income investment strategies

About Us

OsborneRevitt [ORIM] is an independent Sydney based investment management company established in 2012 by Scott Osborne and Greg Revitt to concentrate on the research, development and management of specialist growth and income investment strategies.

ORIM concentrates solely on investments, investing and strategy; it does not issue, sell or operate managed funds.

   Investment Management
   Strategy development

Our Approach

Unlike other investment management firms ORIM elects not to operate conventional managed funds.

We aim to apply our financial experience to deliver straightforward and sensible solutions to contemporary financial problems. Our approach involves the observation and research of a particular financial theme and development of a corresponding strategy that facilitates either the demand for or supply of capital.

Investment strategies are specialised as they focus separately on either a growth or income result. Scott and Greg have chosen to identify themselves in the name of the company as this is consistent with their commitment to transparency, accountability and ‘true-to-label’ solutions.

ORIM currently directs its activities solely to Australian financial institutions rather than individuals.

  • straightforward and sensible solutions to contemporary financial problems
  • development of specialised investment strategies focussed on either growth or income
  • observation and research of financial themes
  • transparency, accountability and ‘true-to-label’ solutions
Contemporary financial themes include

Impacts of demographic change


Adequacy of retirement income streams


Home equity release


House price affordability


Superannuation investment policy


Implications of improving longevity

Home equity release


Prior to establishing ORIM Scott and Greg worked together for 20 years in the investment management division of a large Australian financial services group. Combined they have extensive practical experience developing and managing investment strategies on behalf of Australian institutional investors.

Scott enjoyed a long and successful career within one large financial institution. Promoted through the ranks to ultimately lead an asset class he was responsible for $13.0 billion of Australian and international money market, floating rate and fixed interest securities. In this role he had overall responsibility for portfolio management, investment process and stakeholder engagement. Scott was also member of the firm’s investment committee and senior management team.

Prior to joining funds management Greg worked in debt capital markets for several major Australian and international financial institutions. Greg lead structured products in the multi-strategy group which delivered multi-manager absolute return, equity alpha, commodity and alternative income funds. Previously he developed a proprietary securitisation programme and launched one of Australia’s first dedicated global corporate fixed interest funds.

Scott and Greg hold academic qualifications in finance and related disciplines.

investment management

Contact us

For more information on OsborneRevitt Investment Management please contact us via the form below or by the email addresses;

Home equity release